Packing for LA

Jun 11, 2022
Packing for LA
I’m glad I did the
Procrastination workshop
. I spent the day preparing. Usually the biggest resistance is deciding on what clothes to take. They are all packed now. And it’s still the day before my flight, instead of a couple hours before.
I booked a rental car and reserved a spot for a surfing lesson. I’m very nervous about driving around LA. I was just going to use Uber. But I had the thought last night that it might be a good idea to have a place to keep my luggage, and to give me the freedom to go places. The friend I met 2 days ago in CO (
Meeting online frens
) lives in LA, and will be back Sunday night, so we’re planning to meet again. But that’s going to be 40-60 minutes out from the area I’m staying.