BASB Book Launch Party
This was originally posted as a tweet thread on Jun 18, 2022
This week, I took a trip to LA for the Building A Second Brain book launch party!
It was surreal to meet so many people from the course in-person, who I had only known from a Zoom screen.
I got a signed hardcover copy of the BASB book. Of course, I got a digital version, too.

I was anxious about traveling, and driving in LA. I've been so used to meeting people online. As an introvert, I'm not that great at parties either. But I didn't want to miss this amazing opportunity! I set a goal to collect selfies with everyone I recognized.
Before the party, I got to meet up with Maile and Karaminder.
We met almost daily as part of our Writual writing group (from WOP6). Karaminder was also my BASB13 mentor buddy.
It was super fun hanging with them. Got to meet their dogs, and even rode in a Tesla!
My BASB journey started thanks to Nat Eliason. I first learned of BASB (and Roam) from his blog.
During BASB11, I got to help moderate the community forum for Nat’s Roam course.
One of my favorite articles of his is
Tiago Forte, the BASB course creator and book author himself! It was an honor to be invited and meet him in-person.
I asked him about the challenge of writing a static book in a field of constantly evolving tools. He said he focused on the universal principles of PKM.
I also got to meet some of the BASB staff:
- Lauren Valdez - Co-founder and Tiago’s wife
- Monica Rysavy - Director of Operations
- Steven Zen - Course Director
- Julia Saxena - Marketing Manager. I've known her since WOP5, and we've been in multiple other communities.
I first became a mentor in BASB12.
- Raphael Sisa was one of my group buddies.
- Glen Lubbert was head of our mentor group.
Last week, Glen and Deborah Teplow held a procrastination workshop. This helped me pack in time for my LA trip without scrambling to finish before the flight.
Some senior mentors who are fellow coaches:
- María Aldrey and I both work with Lynn O’Connor (who is writing about the prosocial psychology of being a coach)
- Frank Anaya shared some valuable, learned advice with me from his own journey as a coach.
Connected with other senior mentors too:
- Carrie Ben-Yisrael - I keep hearing how much she likes my Zoom Chat Viewer 😆
- Cliff Guren - Probably talked more with him here than in course
- Guía Carmona - She flew all the way from Germany! Rare chance to meet in-person.
It was nice to see Khe Hy.
I remember doing one of his keystone habit challenges in April 2020. He said he still refers back to one of the videos I shared
(created by Improvement Pill who ran a habit building challenge which I was a community mod for)
It was awesome to meet the brains behind Write of Passage!
- David Perell (Creator of WOP)
- Will Mannon (Course Director of WOP)
Will was course director of BASB previously. He's someone I aspired to be like, in my interactions within the community before becoming a mentor.
It was a pleasant surprise to see Nick Milo at the party!
I took his Linking Your Thinking Workshop earlier this year.
I'm also part of the current Workshop 8 which started this week.
There were others as well. It was such an enjoyable time! I have no regrets stepping outside of my comfort zone. I am happy to be part of this amazing online, and now offline, community.