BASB13 Reflection

Dec 5, 2021
BASB13 Reflection
Today was my final mentor session for this Cohort 13 of Building A Second Brain. I felt the least prepared for this one as far as demoing or teaching content. It was a short presentation of these ship its.
In my book club this morning, I followed someone's suggestion and go around the group letting everyone share what they were expecting and got out of the book club. It went over well with them, so I decided to do that again for my BASB session..
Letting everyone share and celebrate their wins and takeaways from the cohort went well. It filled time that I didn't have to be the one talking. And it gave everyone an opportunity to "express", which was the theme of the week. I had over 60 people in my first session a month ago. Today, there were only 20, so it was a nice, small group.
Compared to my mentoring last cohort, I felt this one was easier. I only led 4 sessions instead of 5 like before. The four aligned nicely with the theme of CODE (Capture, Organize, Distill, Express) with one week per topic. The mentor curriculum materials were more organized with helpful suggestions for each week. Even though there were 30 mentors last cohort, there were more students each session. This time there were less than what I was expecting. This is likely to having the mentor session recorded so students could watch on their own time and not feel like they were missing out if they didn't attend.
Another way this cohort was easier is that I wasn't preparing each session from scratch. I had last cohort's presentations to draw from. While I didn't reuse them completely, it gave me the confidence that I've done this before and will do fine again.
This time I wasn't as active on Circle. They had moderators this time, who focused on answering tool questions.
Overall, this was a more relaxing cohort than before, with less responsibility and more streamlined process. And I got paid 1.5x more!
I look forward to how BASB will evolve, especially with the book coming out next year, and how I can continue being a part of this community.