Small World

Jan 31, 2022
Small World
Something neat happened today. An alumni from the same university I graduated from commented in one of the online communities I’m in. This community has only 50 people. I posted an introduction last year which had a photo from my university days. This person who just joined recognized the university’s logo on shirts people were wearing in the photo. It turned out that we had gone to university at the same time. Who knows if we actually ever crossed paths while there. We both had connections to Asian language student clubs, and were both president of a club. I guess it’s not that big of a coincidence that we ran across each other in this online community that’s all about building online communities, since we were pretty involved with community in university. The interesting thing is that most of the people I’ve been meeting online in communities and courses are largely located in the same areas: California, New York, Canada. Not many from Florida, much less the same university I went to.