Sensitive Smell

Dec 10, 2021
Sensitive Smell
The other day, my brother cooked bacon, and the smell filled the house and lingered around for hours. It stunk like pee. After some googling, I learned the following:
Boar taint: the ammonia smell from androstene steroids and skatole which build up in the fat and muscles of uncastrated pigs reaching sexual maturation. When cooked, an ammonia-like smell frequently described as a 'strong perspiration-like, urine-like unpleasant odor' is released. Not everyone can detect it though.
I asked my family, and they did not have the same unpleasant experience as me. But I'm grateful to have my smell back.

I caught covid back in May. Aside from a terrible headache for a couple days, I was not that affected. But soon after, I lost my sense of taste and smell. It was kinda worrying. I read that some people had lost theirs for months. Others have had their sense permanently damaged. Some explained that everything had a sickly, sweet scent. I tried taking a whiff a peppermint essential oil. Normally, I would have a strong reaction and a stinging in my eyes. It was so odd that I had no sensation.
After a couple weeks, I began having a smell of something that stank constantly in the background. I could only think of it as something metallic, but gross, like a cold with snot. As one person described it, it was like moldy gasoline. That perfectly described what I was sensing.
Eventually, my smell fully returned. I'm so glad it didn't take months.

One more note about my sense of smell being more sensitive than my family: it is strongly tied to memories. I have a kids bracelet that I was given to me on my first trip to Japan. It's in a ziploc bag in a fireproof safe box. It was sprayed with a scented spray. So whenever I take a whiff, it brings on an onset of nostalgia of my first visit to Japan.
I used to store used deodorant sticks in the same way. Smelling them would transport me back to that era of my life. I have since thrown them out, since I have made many better memories since then. (I also don't have that kind of scent storage system anymore because I no longer use deodorant.)