Mini Golf
Tonight, I went to a mini golf place decorated with Christmas illumination, together with my parents and brother.
Mini golf has been an occasional past time in my family. Once every couple or few years since childhood, we would go to a fun park that had putt-putt golf.
I remember playing and mastering a computer game of mini golf when I was younger. It ran on a Windows 98 laptop that my parents had. We had first seen the game at one of my uncle’s house. Visiting his house always formed fond memories, and that was one of them. I enjoyed playing mini golf both virtually and physically.
Who knows if this will be my last time playing putt putt together with my family. I’m surprised how we’re all still together and doing stuff like this. My dad usually wins when we play. Tonight, I tied with him.
I gave my family an Oculus Quest 2 VR headset as an early Christmas present back in October. I gifted them a VR mini golf game to go with it. So we can play even at home.